January 6, 2011

Site is pulling together.

Howdy howdy! This is Angie, the web designer and keeper of all the technical mumbo jumbo here at SoUT Ghosthunters. Just poking in to give you some updates going onto the site right now. Currently we have one video and two EVPs up on the site if you care to check those out. We are carefully reviewing previous recordings to make sure that what we are placing up is the real deal and not just someone whispering, tummy girgles, or someone passing gas during investigations. (Although if you really want to hear someone tooting during a serious EVP session we have that too. =3 ) Hopefully we will have at least the about page and our equipment list finished by the weekend. If you are a paranormal investigation froup and would like to affiliate with us, drop us a line with your website and we'll add you to the list.

A little about myself. I am possibly the biggest skeptic of the group. That is not to say that I haven't had an encounter or two with the paranormal, Its an unavoidable fact of life when you can feel them; but I am highly skeptical of other groups so called "proof", as I'm sure many people will be of ours. Thats a good thing, be skeptical, question what you see and hear, it just makes finding something that defies all reason all the more amazing. I'm just letting you know that its against everything that I stand for as an investigator to tamper or create evidence for the sake of furthering our popularity. To me this is a hobby and something I love to do. Anything I add to the site is more for me then the audience but its something I'm willing to share for feedback and ideas.

If your just starting out and an investigator like we are, don't be discouraged if you come up empty handed on investigations. Some nights are going to turn up empty and some nights are going to show you something exciting that may make your blood curdle and keep you coming back for more.

Keep a cool head while investigating. Knowing the history of the place and what might be there to meet you can get you worked up, but all your evp work will be moot if it cant be heard over you screaming like a little girl.

Keep your gear to the simple tried and true methods. Simple is often the easiest and most believable way to gather evidence. Fancy gadgets and talking boxes are too easy to manipulate and falsify evidence. It should always be looked at with a skeptical eye.

And for the love of all thats good and holy in this world, don't tamper with or create evidence. It makes honest investigators look bad and makes you look like a prick.

January 5, 2011

Hello, Hello, Hello!

Hello and thank you for tuning in to our blog! We, as you know, are the Southern Utah Ghost Hunters. We are a small group of devout paranormal investigators located in St. George Utah. What we do is investigate "Haunted" locations and try to debunk anything that can be explained scientifically or logically. We do not doubt any paranormal claims because all of us in this group has experienced some sort of paranormal phenomena. To start out this blog we will talk about some of the things you will run into as a paranormal investigator.
The first thing is what is called an E.V.P. What this means is an electronic voice phenomena. This is basically is a dis-embodied voice that you catch on your digital voice recorder or on your video camera. It is very rare that you can hear the voice and catch it on the devices also.
The next thing is picture phenomena. This is where you catch something on a picture that you cannot logically explain. Some things you will get is maybe a full bodied apparition, which is very rare, an orb, or sometimes you will get unexplainable mists or dark spots. With orbs some of them you can easily explain as a dust fragment or a droplet of water. We have captured pictures of orbs at investigation that you really cant explain. We classified this as a class A orb. We will have pictures of them on our facebook page. Other things that you may run into are your very own personal experiences, and sadly sometimes they aren't caught on the equipment.
Well i hope you have enjoyed our first blog! We hope that you will stay tuned for more!
Remember, be careful and happy haunting!